Give Thanks To Allah - Michael Jackson
Album: Towards the light
Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
what is and what was
take hold of your eman
dont give in to shaitaan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghafoor Allahu Raheem Allahu yuhibbul Mohsineen,
va Khalikuna va Razikuna wahuwa Ala kulli shaien Kadir
Allah is Ghafoor Allah is Raheem Allah is the one who loves the Mohsineen,
He is a creator, He is a sustainer and He is the one who has power over all.
Give thanks to Allah,
for the moon and the stars
prays in all day for,
what is and what was
take hold of your eman
dont give in to shaitaan
oh you who believe please give thanks to Allah.
Allahu Ghafoor Allahu Raheem Allahu yuhibbul Mohsineen,
va Khalikuna va Razikuna wa huwa Allah kulli shaien Kadir
Allah is Ghafoor Allah is Raheem Allah is the one who loves the Mohsineen,
He is a creator, He is a sustainer and He is the one who has power over all.
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4 hours ago
hitz_nom: ok
ReplyDeleteazlizar_zain: kak
azlizar_zain: kak
azlizar_zain: i nk tanya
azlizar_zain: betol ker michael nyer nasyid ni
azlizar_zain: cuba kak dgr
hitz_nom: hiii
A problem occurred while transferring the file "MIKAEL.wmv". The transfer has been stopped.
azlizar_zain: kak
hitz_nom: iye
azlizar_zain: i bg lagu tu...
hitz_nom: dh save
hitz_nom: tp belum dengar lg
hitz_nom: lagu sape tu
azlizar_zain: mchael
hitz_nom: michael jackson ke
azlizar_zain: org bg kata lagu nasyid dia sblom mati
azlizar_zain: yup
A problem occurred while transferring the file "MIKAEL.wmv". The transfer has been stopped.
hitz_nom: alamak
hitz_nom: i takleh save la
hitz_nom: hantar kot e-mail boley?
azlizar_zain: k
hitz_nom: ade video tak
azlizar_zain: takder
hitz_nom: confirm ek dia?
azlizar_zain: ntah ler
azlizar_zain: tu yg i tanya u
azlizar_zain: mintak u dgr...
azlizar_zain: btol ker dia
hitz_nom: i rasa cam bukan suara dia sgt
hitz_nom: tp tak tau la
hitz_nom: sbb lagu ni slow
azlizar_zain: tu lar pasal
azlizar_zain: heboh dah kat enternet nyer...kata mikael nyer
hitz_nom: suara michael mcm lg nyaring
azlizar_zain: tu laer pasal...
hitz_nom: i rasa org lain la nyani lagu tu
azlizar_zain: mcm mmg ahli nasyid... tak pelat pon nak nyanyi arabic slang
hitz_nom: tu la
hitz_nom is typing a message.
hitz_nom: suara dia power w/pun nyanyi lagu slow
azlizar_zain: i rasa lar ader org yang ambik ksempatan lar... kalau niat nak dakwah, tak per lar